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My very first book

It’s actually no surprise that I am now writing Cozy Mysteries because my very first book released, back in 2005, was a…well I won’t say cozy mystery because it had tons of love scenes in it. But if you were to take those love scenes out it would be a cozy mystery. The book, though […]

Romance vs. Erotic Romance

Aside from Cozy Mysteries I write Romance. I actually started writing Erotic Romance, or so I thought, back in the early 2000’s. According to Romance Writers of America, there are two key elements that comprise every romance novel. The first is a central love story. The second, is an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending. RWA […]

Texas Pride

I’m just starting back to work on a series I’ve been wanting to write for a long time. The series is set in my home state of Texas. And I got to thinking about past stories I’ve written set in Texas. I had one editor that constantly wanted to change my words. You see non-Texans […]

Whacky Research

My critique partners and I have a running joke that the FBI has us on a watch list because of the things we look up in the name of research.  I certainly hope that isn’t the case but I have to admit I’ve looked up some pretty strange things for research.  Here are just a […]


*This is a post from 2011 from my old blog, but the information is still good and I hope it may be some help to others, so I’ve included it in this blog. Plagiarism. It’s an ugly word and an even uglier act. I know some of you are aware that I was plagiarized a […]

Indispensable Writing Materials

*Scrivener *Scapple *spiral notebooks *my Roomba *crockpots *bread machine * a dog door (Which I don’t use because Hiccup & Astrid are idiots and can’t be trusted not to eat things they shouldn’t) *critique partners. (You gotta have someone to talk you off the ledge!) *family (These are the people, who make your day brighter […]

Write, Revise, Repeat…

O—kay… can I just say, revision is hard! I mean like really hard. Then again maybe it’s because the Moon Series stories are my very first books and I have grown tremendously as a writer. I’m honestly thinking it would be easier to scrap the old and write new…Honestly, it would be less aggravating and […]