It’s actually no surprise that I am now writing Cozy Mysteries because my very first book released, back in 2005, was a…well I won’t say cozy mystery because it had tons of love scenes in it. But if you were to take those love scenes out it would be a cozy mystery. The book, though […]
Where Are You Autumn?
So, I have chickens living in my house… How is that for a conversation starter? Fall is my favorite season, but this year I’m really looking forward to it. It’s been one of those summers… Not only would I like to start my fall garden, I want my game room back. The chickens spend the night in […]
Romance vs. Erotic Romance
Aside from Cozy Mysteries I write Romance. I actually started writing Erotic Romance, or so I thought, back in the early 2000’s. According to Romance Writers of America, there are two key elements that comprise every romance novel. The first is a central love story. The second, is an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending. RWA […]
Texas Pride
I’m just starting back to work on a series I’ve been wanting to write for a long time. The series is set in my home state of Texas. And I got to thinking about past stories I’ve written set in Texas. I had one editor that constantly wanted to change my words. You see non-Texans […]
Small Towns
I’ve been reading a lot of cozy mysteries lately and the one thing they all have in common is small towns. I love small towns. Not just reading about them, but being in them. There is just something about them that makes them well… cozy. I did not grow up in a small town, though […]
My Christmas Market Experience
originally posted on my old blog in 2018 If you aren’t familiar with Christmas Markets, they are quite popular in Europe. There is a nice little documentary on Amazon about Christmas Markets called The Seasoned Traveler Christmas Markets if you are interested. One of the most famous is the Christkindlemarkt in Nuremberg, Germany. Christkind means Christ […]
My 2021 Christmas Reading List
It’s that time again, my favorite time of year. I plan out my holiday reading every year in advance. And this year is no different. I’ve already completed some of my holiday reading, but have several more to go. I’m really hoping for some cold weather so I can read by the fire. So far, […]
It’s Getting Closer!!!
Yup, it’s that time again, or at least it’s getting closer! What time you ask? The most wonderful time of year! Christmas! What can I say? I loooove Christmas. I saw a shirt a couple of Christmases ago that said, I Christmas harder than you! And I have to say, that has become my motto. […]
Whacky Research
My critique partners and I have a running joke that the FBI has us on a watch list because of the things we look up in the name of research. I certainly hope that isn’t the case but I have to admit I’ve looked up some pretty strange things for research. Here are just a […]
*This is a post from 2011 from my old blog, but the information is still good and I hope it may be some help to others, so I’ve included it in this blog. Plagiarism. It’s an ugly word and an even uglier act. I know some of you are aware that I was plagiarized a […]