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It’s Getting Closer!!!

Yup, it’s that time again, or at least it’s getting closer! What time you ask?  The most wonderful time of year!  Christmas! What can I say? I loooove Christmas. I saw a shirt a couple of Christmases ago that said, I Christmas harder than you! And I have to say, that has become my motto. […]

My Travel Bucket List

I love art history and history in general because I love learning new things. I guess it’s the romantic in me. As you have probably guessed by my recommended reads my favorite romance genre is Regency. So it is probably no surprise that I’d love to visit England. But there are so many other places […]

Writing & Exercise

Writing & Exercise

With all the talk of New Year’s resolutions, I got to thinking about exercising since that is such a common resolution people have. It is not mine, however; I already work out regularly. I’ve always exercised off and on, but since August of last year, I’ve exercised regularly. In the past, I always had good […]

Oldies but Goodies

Since I was a little girl, I have always loved the tv show Bewitched, starring the beautiful and talent Elizabeth Montgomery. Yes, I’ve only ever seen reruns since the show went out of production when I was only a year old, but nevertheless it’s been a favorite of mine from a very young age. Recently […]

I Fought The Good Fight…

I finally gave in.  I’m getting chickens.  My husband has been wanting some for a while now.  Having never been around chickens, he does not understand about the chicken poop  <sigh>. But he will soon find out. I was not raised on a farm but I did spend the majority of my summers growing up on one.  My grandparents were […]

Tea Time

 I cut way back on ice tea (I used to drink ice tea all day every day) and my sugar consumption, which mean no more daily chocolate. I’m infamous in my family for being a chocoholic—so infamous as a teen when my sister complained about me stealing her chocolate that she got from Trick or […]


Nope, not the Judy Blume story which is a great one, by the way.  Actually, I wish I were talking about the book, but hey if you can’t laugh at yourself…   A couple of years ago, I was sitting on my chaise reading a book and my husband was at his computer. Our oldest […]

My Love of Baking

I think my love of baking started when I was a toddler. My Nana always had cake for dessert after dinner. So in the afternoons, she would bake a cake. I used to watch and when she was done pouring the batter into the baking pan, I would sit in the floor and lick the […]