Friday night my bread machine finally decided it had had enough. I’d replaced the pan once already and as my son pointed out, I’ve had it for at least 10 years. After bidding it a final farewell, I bought myself the top of the line bread machine I’d been coveting for a couple of years now. The […]
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Author: Jeigh / Audree
Write, Revise, Repeat…
O—kay… can I just say, revision is hard! I mean like really hard. Then again maybe it’s because the Moon Series stories are my very first books and I have grown tremendously as a writer. I’m honestly thinking it would be easier to scrap the old and write new…Honestly, it would be less aggravating and […]
It’s Christmastime Again
I has been a while since I’ve posted. Sorry for the lack of updates, but sadly I have no news to update at the moment. I should have some after the first of the year in regards to new releases. So what have I been doing? Enjoying the Christmas season of course. As most have […]
Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
Let’s face it there are certain flavors that just go together and mint and chocolate are two of those flavors. It has always been a favorite combination of mine. In fact my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip. So when I found this recipe several years ago, it quickly became a favorite. As per […]
My 2018 Christmas Reading List
Every year I look forward to Christmas books. I start perusing Harlequin, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon in September and adding books to my wish list. It’s about the only time I really like novellas and short stories. One of these days I will write one of my own. 🙂 I do have two of them started, […]
My Love of Baking
I think my love of baking started when I was a toddler. My Nana always had cake for dessert after dinner. So in the afternoons, she would bake a cake. I used to watch and when she was done pouring the batter into the baking pan, I would sit in the floor and lick the […]