I know I say it every year, so why break tradition? I’m SOOOO ready for Fall! Not only do I love the cooler weather, but we usually get rain too and I love rain as well. I write better in the fall. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I want to be inside where […]
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Author: Jeigh / Audree
Why The Long Hiatus?
Where have I been? The past three years have been difficult. Sadly my little critique group has been through the ringer. As some of you may know, my good friend, Ally Blue, passed away. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop there, we suffered other losses and other heartbreaks. It really has been a rough couple of years. […]
Jalapeno Cheddar Biscuits
Every Friday is steak night at our house and with those steaks, we always have baked potatoes and cheddar biscuits. I started out making the cheddar bay biscuit mix from Red Lobster. But I have become very picky about what I feed my family. I scour the labels and if it has ingredients I can’t […]
Scrivener Themes
I looked something up about Scrivener this weekend and accidentally found that people are selling Scrivener themes on Etsy. This lead me to look into it and I found that it’s extremely easy to create new themes on Scrivener. So for all you Scrivener users… Go to Preferences>Appearance and you can change just about everything. […]
Blog Update
As you can see I have changed the blog name. The Amourous Pigeon was chosen in honor of Vivian, a character in Stolen Sun. I plan on using only one blog for both my pen names. It just takes too much time to write two separate blog posts. And though I do enjoy blogging, I […]
Quick Update
The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated 🙂 I do realize it’s been a while and I apologize for that. I have had a few minor personal issues to deal with this past year, but things are slowly getting back to normal. I’m anxious to get back to writing. Sadly, I was hoping […]
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone is having a great start to the year. I am trying to get back on schedule after Christmas. I always take the month of December off to spend time with family and do Christmasy things, like bake cookies. This year was no different. I spent a lot of time with my mom […]
Mexican Wedding Cookies
I’ve also seen these referred to as Snowball cookies. I haven’t made these in several years but they used to be among my Christmas cookie baking. I am going to add them in again this year to spice things up. I don’t think my kids remember them, so they (and my nieces and nephews) will […]
Autumn Update
I’m still planning on getting Stolen Sun out, but it’s taking me longer than anticipated. Reediting and revising is time-consuming. I’m trying to decide what needs cut and what needs to be added. I was shooting for the end of the year, but it’s looking like it might be the first quarter of next year. […]
Valuable Writing Tools
I always want to do these little character sheets and setting sheets and stuff that I see all these other authors doing. And The first couple of years I actually tried some of them, only to realize that it slowed me way down and did not improve my process. Now I look at things to […]