Every year around Christmas, my mom, sister, and I go Christmas shopping together. It’s a no-boys-allowed affair (though we did make an exception one year for my awesome nephew, that is another story). It has become one of our many traditions. This year, my daughter-in-law will get to come, but I digress; this is about a Christmas Shopping adventure many Christmases ago. In the early 2000s, we discovered Tinkerbell tree toppers at the Disney store. My mom bought my sister and me the tree toppers.

Skip forward ten years. My sister’s doofus boyfriend, now her ex, made her a shed. She really should have asked me to help her.  We could have built a better shed. Granted, I’m a competent handyman, but still… The shed looked like something that should be under a bridge. It was a pathetic little thing and did not keep out the elements. So my sister’s Tink was destroyed by rain and then heat. She was devastated. She tried to convince me to give her my Tink. I’m sure you can guess how that went 😉 I did not give her my Tink. The tree topper has become such a tradition in my household that my boys have discussed who gets Tink when I die LOL. However, in the name of sisterly love, I did go searching the internet for one. Sadly at the time, they were five hundred dollars on eBay. I love my sister but I was not spending that much on plastic and fiber optics. So I just made a habit of checking every year.

Last year, my husband was searching the internet and found a Tink. It wasn’t identical to the Tink I had, but it was close. Best of all, it was several hundred dollars cheaper than Tink’s like mine. There was only one problem…It was soooo cute and Christmasy. I had to have one. I have two trees and my second tree was shouting at me that it needed a new different Tink to match the other tree’s original Tink. But being a good big sister I sucked it up and bought it for my sister. Within an hour my husband, who is the best husband ever, found another Tink and bought it. So my envious second tree got a Tink too, my children each get a Tink when I croak, and my sister got a Tink to replace the one that the doofus ruined. It was a win-win-win.

And best of all…I got to see the happiness it brought my sister.