Current work in progress: I am still working on Stolen Sun. I am on target to have it done by the first of December, let it set for the rest of the month. In January, I’ll start self-edits, and then send it to my editor. Hopefully, I’ll be able to release it sometime in February.

But what is next?: honestly, I have no idea. I have several projects with varying degrees of completion. I will have to see what I feel like after Stolen Sun is completed. Probably a romance. I’m writing every day again and having a blast doing so. Which will hopefully translate into a couple of releases in the coming year. I’d love to have at least one cozy and one romance release every year.

Blogging: I’m still trying to maintain T.A.P. (The Amorous Pigeon) but I will be spacing my posts out a bit instead of every week. I’m going to try every two weeks. I’m contemplating getting my niece to make me a  T.A.P. logo. I’m also contemplating more social media. As much as I hate it, readers do not and I do miss hearing from readers.

As far as personal updates: I’m reading more, looking for a critique partner, and slowly putting up Christmas decorations.  It’s sort of a game with my family.  They tell me to wait till after Thanksgiving and I sneak Christmas decor up while they are at work. I think they love it but, they do have to try and contain me. I’m actually under a “no more trees” order from my youngest son. Therefore I have become obsessed with getting more trees. I snuck a tree in just this past weekend.  It was actually rosemary which I use a lot of, but it was shaped like a tree. I convinced him it didn’t count. 🙂 I will be helping my daughter-in-law get a tree as well. My older, her husband, has already started warning me not to help her go tree crazy.  We are totally going tree crazy!

Until next time…