Where have I been?  The past three years have been difficult. Sadly my little critique group has been through the ringer. As some of you may know, my good friend, Ally Blue, passed away. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop there, we suffered other losses and other heartbreaks. It really has been a rough couple of years. As you can guess, watching those I care about suffer really upset my muse and I found it extremely difficult to write. On top of that, I had no one to critique my work, should I have done any.

I won’t say things have gotten better or changed much, my little group is still going through a rough patch, but I have a new outlook on things. As far as my life, things are going well I have a positive attitude. I have gained another kid. My oldest got married. Goodness time flies! I started writing when he was a newborn!

Long story short… My muse has returned. I have been writing and am having fun doing so.  More fun than I’ve had in a while; perhaps it’s my new mindset, or maybe the fresh start. Whatever the case, I’m pleased with the result. I’m currently working on getting Stolen Sun finished. I am doing a complete overhaul with new content. I’m going to simultaneously work on a Christmas Romance as well, though I haven’t started that one as of yet. I’m giving myself a bit to get into a groove with Stolen Sun since there are new scenes.

Other than the writing, I will be updating my blog frequently. I’m going to try at least once a week. I will, at the request of readers, leave the comments open on certain posts. As some of you may know I’ve never been a fan of Facebook, but I am back on Twitter or X or whatever the heck it’s called nowadays. You can find me there at @romance_cozymys. I may look into other social media as well.

Until next time…