Is it just me, or has Hollywood really gone downhill? For the most part, movies lately are complete and utter trash. I can’t remember the last time I went to the theater. True, I prefer watching movies at home where I can pause them, but there have not been any movies that looked so good I just couldn’t wait. I was tempted for Maverick, but that has been the only one in years that has tempted me.  I waited for the itunes release and I admit I did enjoy it, but I consider it a rare gem among selections in recent history. I read and watch movies to escape, like I think most people do, and I don’t want political propaganda in  my entertainment. And that is what I’m seeing a lot of lately. Honestly, I don’t even care if I agree with the side putting it out, I don’t want it in my entertainment. As I said before…Escape. So that said, I have made myself a list of old movies to either watch for the first time or to rewatch, and books to reread or classics to read for the first time.

Movies I’ve never seen but want to:

Casablanca -yes, yes, I know.  I can hear the groans now. LOL. There is definitely political stuff in there, but it’s history and I love history.

A Wonderful Life  I started watching this one, but need to finish it.

Breakfast at Tiffanys– Audrey Hepburn not only has a cool name 😉 but she was very beautiful!

Miracle on 34th Street– Have I mentioned I love Christmas?

Movies I love and want to rewatch:

Gone with the Wind- The Civil War and Reconstruction have always been my favorite periods in history. Such a turbulent time and so many lessons to learn from that period.

The Sound of Music- The music is awesome! I love old musicals.

The Happiest Millionaire- Who doesn’t love a movie that has a pet alligator?

The Parent Trap (the Haley Mills version)- I do admit, I’ve always been a Dennis Quaid fan (Love his brother too), but there is just something about the original with Brian Keith. I was also a fan of Family Affair when I was little.

Singing in the Rain- Ahhh…  Gene Kelly.  I did mention I’m an ex dancer, right?

Viva Las Vegas

It Happened at the World’s Fair- This was always my favorite Elvis movie as a little girl.

Girls, Girls, Girls-  Yup, I love Elvis!

Mary Poppins- If there is a better dance routine that Chim-Chim-Cher-ee, I’ve yet to see it. 


I’d love to see what movies you love or want to see as well, so please leave a comment and share.