Since I’m coming back to writing after a bit of a hiatus, I got to wondering if there was anything I could do to up my efficiency. I want to write faster, better, etc. So I pulled out all my old writing books and I thought I’d share some of the really good ones with you.

Absolutely anything by Holly Lisle. The woman is absolutely brilliant and an amazing teacher. Her How to Think Sideways is one of my favorites, but it’s hard to choose.  Her advice is fantastic.  I’ve yet to see any of her advice that wan’t great.

So without further ado, here are my favorites when it comes to writing advice:

2,000 to 10,oooRachel Aaron

GMC: Goal, Motivation, ConflictDebra Dixon

The Emotion Thesaurus– Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi

April Kihlstrom’s Book in a Week Workbook- April Kihlstrom

Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel Revised and Expanded- Hallie Ephron

Writer’s Digest Grammar Desk Reference- Gary Lutz

Writing Book Blurbs and Synopses- Rayne Hall