Yup, it’s that time again, or at least it’s getting closer! What time you ask?  The most wonderful time of year!  Christmas! What can I say? I loooove Christmas. I saw a shirt a couple of Christmases ago that said, I Christmas harder than you! And I have to say, that has become my motto.

I’ll be putting up my Christmas reads for this year in a week or two. So in the spirit of things, here is a post I revised from a few years ago:

One of the things I love about Christmas is…DECORATIONS!  Yup, I’m one of those people. My kids have a running joke that by the time I’m 60 I’ll go straight from Halloween decorations to Christmas decorations. I admit they might be right, I seem to put Christmas decorations up earlier and earlier every year and leave them up later.  When I first got married I took my Christmas decorations down on Christmas day. Now? They don’t come down till New Year’s Day. This year I do believe I’m going to put them up the Monday before Thanksgiving. I’m seriously considering putting Christmas lights up this weekend if I can talk my family into it. We have a system. The youngest and I get up on the roof and hang them while the hubby and the oldest are on ground duty which means light testing and detangling. I think next year I’m going to make some lawn decorations with plywood. 

Christmas time also means awesome weather. I can practically see my northern friends giving me the evil eye, but I can’t help it. It’s the perfect writing weather and let’s face it, living in Texas, I have way too much hot. So, I love the cold! I admit to having a bit of an infatuation with snow. Sadly, I don’t get snow often. As I said…Texas and Texas = hot. My family has an ongoing joke about second summer. We always ask, is second summer over yet? Or are we in third summer? Not that I’m really complaining; I do love my state. This week it’s going to be cold for three whole days in which I can use my fireplace before having to turn the air conditioner back on. And no I’m not kidding. We are still using the A/C this time of year. 

I love Christmas music. I’ve already started listening to it while I write and in my car. Country Christmas and Traditional Christmas are my favorites, but Mannheim Steamroller and Elvis Presley hold a special place in my heart as well. I think I have five different Christmas music stations on my Pandora.

Christmas stories are one of the things I look forward to every year. I love Christmas romance. Especially Christmas Regency Romance. Every year in October I scour Amazon and Barnes & Noble for Christmas Stories. I already have two regencies on the list, one contemporary romance and two cozy mysteries for this year, but I’m sure I will find more. I haven’t even started looking at the serial romance.

And let’s not forget cookies! As you may have figured out if you’ve read many of my blogs in the past, I’m quite the cookie baker. Not only do I love to bake cookies and am darn good at it if I do say so myself, 😉 I love to eat them!

So my friends, when you go to the store and see all the Christmas decorations and think, Ugh! they get earlier every year…think of me :).

Psst… Did I mention that I even made my dog’s Christmas collars?  Yup, I’m definitely one of those people.  However, in my defense, I have not made Christmas chicken vests or Christmas chicken leg warmers or whatever it is people dress chickens in….hmmm…. Chicken leg warmers…