

*spiral notebooks

*my Roomba


*bread machine

* a dog door (Which I don’t use because Hiccup & Astrid are idiots and can’t be trusted not to eat things they shouldn’t)

*critique partners. (You gotta have someone to talk you off the ledge!)

*family (These are the people, who make your day brighter when you come up for air after a long writing session.)

*a nice big To Be Read pile (Reading sparks creativity and imagination)

*a comfortable office chair (This is an important one.  Before my current chair I literally would get up and walk hunched over because my back hurt so bad.  The new chair is very expensive, but well worth it.)

Honorable Mentions:

Aeon Timeline

Be Focused (timer)

a foot warmer under your desk ( I don’t know about you, but my feet are always cold)